Solo Swims
2014/2015 Solo Swims by Erica Thomas
I fronted up to Doddis in April 2013 intending to harden myself up for my first solo the following year only to discover that the legendary Barb Pellick was a member there. I was completely star struck and too afraid to talk to her, but as is Barb's way she made me feel completely at ease and helped me prepare for my solo, and she prepared me well.
The following year Sue Johnson joined us in our solo attempt and Barb upped the anti by making us swim 7km every Saturday morning in awful, choppy water but thank goodness she did as Rotto Swim day conditions that year were AWFUL. I knew I was prepared though, thanks to Barb making me swim those bloody 7k's every Saturday.
I was 200m off Cottesloe when I first questioned what the hell I was doing! Barb, Sue and I all agreed it was a mental game that year, we were physically prepared but we had to continually talk ourselves in to continuing to swim. I argued with myself the whole way, but just knowing Barb and Sue were out there made all the difference.
I consider myself extremely fortunate to have the Doddis mob to train with, although I get so sick of plodding up and down some days it's good to know that I'm not alone in my efforts, and a coffee and good company are waiting for me at the end.
2015: Spot the experienced solo swimmer!
(L to R: Barb Pellick, Sue Johnston & Erica Thomas)
2015: Erica swimming in choppy conditions