Presidents Prattle March 2022
You have to love the summer months if you are a swimmer as there is so much happening.
Your new committee has hit the ground running. We will soon distribute the calendar of the year’s upcoming activities, including our major social event dates. Greg and his team are planning quite a few activities, quickly starting this Friday evening with the “great fish comp” on Roberts point. Who will catch this year’s biggest fish????
A decision made at our committee meeting is to cease the need for the $2 lane hire charge with our squad training sessions Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday until further notice. This is one way to support the pool swimmers in their pursuit of personal swim improvement, whilst then having pizza nights on the final Thursday of each month after training to improve personal buoyancy??? Our first pizza night will be Thursday 31st March. You do have to swim however to qualify for a feed….unless you are a life member in which case normal rules do not apply!!
On the swim front, well done to the small but excellent team of Club swimmers who represented the Club at the Newman LLCC. We again had some fine results and 8th club overall. Our next LLCC will be the Fremantle meet on Sunday 27th March before the State Championships on 2nd and 3rd of April. The Freo swim is one of four now being targeted across the year by our Club and Captain Mike is keen strong Club representation at these.
While the numbers swimming the Rotto swim this year were lower than in recent history, we congratulate Barb and Sue for a second in their duo age group. The recent Mullalloo Mile swim had 3 of our swimmers attend. Another great swim by Pauline, and Wayne who were age group winners. Should it go ahead, there is a much larger involvement in next weeks “Port to Pub”. I wish all taking part fine weather, fun and a good swim. Unfortunately to the disappointment of many “salties” the “Jetty to Jetty” Coogee swim has been COVID cancelled.
A reminder to a few members that your fees are well due. To support membership we have absorbed this years increased charges from Masters Swimming Australia, and held the fees at $120 per annum.
So, make the most of the warm swimming conditions. Be kind, and look after each other.
Steve C
