Entries Close 14 Feb for Newman Churchlands LLCC!

Newman Churchlands Masters invites registered Masters Swimmers to our 2021 LiveLighter Club Challenge on Sunday 21 February 2021 at Newman College Pool, Empire Ave, Churchlands.
1. 200 Freestyle
2. 100 Breaststroke
3. 50 Butterfly
4. 50 Freestyle
5. 50 Backstroke
6. 100 Butterfly
7. 4 X 50 Women’s Freestyle Relay
8. 4 X 50 Men’s Freestyle Relay
The meet is OPEN to all Masters Swimmers. The meet will be limited to the first 150 swimmers to nominate.
This year MSWA has introduced a new Direct Swimmer Registration for Pool Events. Each swimmer enters individually, not dissimilar to how you enter open water events. The link can be found at the bottom of the attached Flyer.
Warm up at 8:15 am and event starts at 9:00 am.
For more information and the link to enter, download the event flyer below.