President's Prattle - January 2020

Mandurah Australia Day Swim What a fabulous event our Australia Day Swim turned out to be. The weather was perfect, swimming conditions ideal and we had a record number of entries.
On behalf of all members, I want to acknowledge and thank Steve F and the 2020 MAD committee for the outstanding commitment and work they have put in over the past year to ensure the swim’s success. I would also like to thank all the members who assisted the committee with the setting up at the Yacht Club on the Saturday afternoon and/or Sunday morning. It was a fantastic effort.
2020 Busselton Jetty Swim Our next big swim event is the Busselton Jetty Swim, this Sunday. Even though this is not a Masters Swim it has become a major annual highlight for many members.
I have finally finished collating all Mandurah Masters Swim Times since the swim started in 1996. Please if you see an error or omission please let me know so it can be rectified.
Good luck to all who are making the journey down to Busselton.
Our Club AGM By now you will have received notification of our club AGM, at 7:00 pm on Wednesday 19th February at the MARC clubrooms. It is a time to celebrate the year that has been and welcome in the new committee for 2020. The Club Awards will be presented, so please join us for the meeting and the traditional Pizza and drinks that will follow.
Rottnest Channel Swim This year we have a small group of members entered in the Channel Swim.
Sue Johnson and Guy Boyce have entered in the Tandem category - this means they swim together and share the same boat. Ken and John are paddling for them so they are in very safe hands.
Jane Thomas and son Jack Knobben were fortunate to gain entry in the Duo section and both have been training extremely hard for their first Channel Swim.
Last weekend Glenda, Wayne and Steve F completed an Out Of Event Channel Crossing successfully in a time of 7 hours and 4 minutes. They were welcomed on shore by a group of very enthusiastically supporter and all then enjoyed an afternoon at the Rottnest Pub.
Wow Swims There are two more events on the calendar: the very popular Coogee Jetty to Jetty Swim on Sunday 8th March; and the Mullaloo Mile (including the MSWA State Open Water Championship) at Mullaloo on Saturday 29th February.
So far John Cahill is on track to compete in all the 2019-20 Wow swims.
Pool Swimming We haven’t forgotten our regular pool swimmers.
Thank you to Helen Cahill (and ably assisted by Joel) for updating our Club Records Board at the MARC. It looks great. There are still a few records that have not been set, so make time to have a look at the board and perhaps, in the future, your name could be up there! The Records Board will be updated annually.
The first LLCC of the year is being held on Sunday 16th February at Newman College Pool in Wembley.
Don’t forget the free training sessions that are offered at the pool each Tuesday and Thursday evenings in the outside pool.
Bathers Sale There are a few of the club bathers for sale for a very cheap price of $20 a pair, specifically: Mens: Size 16 & 18 and Ladies: Sizes 10, 12 & 16.
See Deborah if you interested.
Swimming at Doddi's Beach So far the voluntary Spotter's Roster has been filled for most mornings. If you can help out by being the “Spotter” every now and again that would be much appreciated.
Don’t forget the Spotter is only on duty for the official Club Swim between 8.00am and 9.00am, which is also when, if you are a financial club member, you are covered by the Masters Insurance Policy.
I look forward to catching up with you at the pool or the beach.