Call for Volunteers for the State Championships

Although Mandurah Masters is not hosting the event, as the local Club, we have volunteered to help Masters Swimming WA set up and pack away at the pool and provide an Announcer, Clerk of the Course, Marshalls, and run the Registration desk. The event and the roles are very similar to what we do for our LLCC and familiar to many.
We will start setting up at 9:00 am on Saturday 27 March. Warm-ups commence at 11:30 am, and the meet begins at 12:15 pm and will continue all afternoon.
On Sunday, 28 March, Warm-ups are from 7:45 am to 8:30 am. The meet starts at 8:45 am and should be finished by 1:00 pm. After the presentations, we will help pack up.
If you can help on either or both days, could you please message us on the Club WhatsApp or by email and please let us know if you are swimming or not. We would appreciate any offers of help from swimmers between events. Alternatively, you can also put your name down to volunteer when you go to training or Doddi's.