President's Prattle - March 2017

As the summer ocean swim season closes, Mandurah can look back with much satisfaction. Our swimming numbers throughout the week at Doddi’s have been strong all season with a peak of about 45 swimmers on a couple of Saturdays. Big numbers entered such events as Lake Leschenaultia, Busselton Jetty (over 30 swimmers), Coogee Jetty to Jetty, Fremantle State swim and others. We had our biggest representation in the recent Rottnest Channel swim, and last weekend, the Port to Pub swim was a great result for Sue and Captain Jen and Wendy. Add to all this activity our own Australia Day Swim and inaugural Doddi’s Dash and it has been a busy and well represented season that has seen many members improve significantly, and many complete their first ocean races. Well done!
Of course the ocean swims at Doddi’s continue 4 times a week. New Safety Officer Greg now has a great magnet board to track swimmers ‘in and outs’. I’m sure it wont be long before the “wetties” start to re-appear, and why not, if it keeps you in the swim allowing the excuse for the coffee.
Now of course attention moves back to the pool for competition and we start with our own Club Challenge this Sunday. I am sure with the oversight of Gerry and members coming on deck to help, this will be a top meet and a great chance to “show off” our new outside facility, as we host our first outdoor swim. We have invested in the purchase of a Dolphin electronic timing system (with support from the City of Mandurah and other user swim clubs). This has only recently been acquired however and with no time to set up and practice the system, we will hold off its introduction in competition until we are confident in our usage, but something to look forward to!!
The recent sprints evening was well received. Thanks Coach Mike for organising. Our training numbers on Tuesday and Thursday evening are steady and strengthening which augers well for our sprint season.
The Committee is disappointed at the news that the new MSWA executive is not supporting our pool as the host venue for the 2018 Australian Masters Swimming National Championships. With a change of executive has come a change of decision that now sees the HBF stadium as their recommended venue. Whilst we have protested this reversal, further change is unlikely……as I said, “disappointing”
Thanks to Ken and Glenda for a great of evening of ‘Frisbee golf’ and restaurant meal. They held a vigorous planning meeting beachside on Saturday morning and it looks like there will be plenty of social action for members to enjoy in the coming months. Stay tuned.
So look after each other, and keep swimming
Steve C