Newman Churchlands LLCC Results - Better Late than Never!

Newman Churchlands Masters held their 2017 LiveLighter Club Challenge on Sunday 19 February 2017 at Newman College Pool, Empire Ave, Churchlands. We were represented by a very strong team of 3, namely: Helen and John Cahill, and Simon Lyons.
In the 200m FS, John won the 50-54 Age Group in 2:48.46 and Simon was 2nd in the 55-59 Age Group in 2:45.85.
In the 100m BS, well done to 1st timer Helen who came 2nd in the 45-49 Age Group in a PB time of 2:06.33, with husband John 1st again in the 50-54 Age Group in 1:42.53.
In the 50m FS, Helen blitzed the field coming 1st in another PB of 46.51. John is loving this new 50-54 Age Group with another 1st in a time of 31.74. Similarly, Simon in the 55-59 Age Group came in at the front of the field with a time of 29.23.
Click here to see all the results.