2016 Fremantle Ports Swim Thru

The Fremantle Fins held the Fremantle Ports Swim Thru 2016 incorporating the Livelighter MSWA State Open Water Championship at South Beach, Fremantle on Saturday 11 December. A team of about 10 Mannas left Mandurah at 5:30am to arrive in time to Register and be ready to attend the Race briefing at 7:15am.
Conditions were near perfect, with a forecast of 37C and light offshore breeze resulting in warm flat clear water. Well done to everyone who swam or came to support the swimmers.
Congratulations to: Rod Baker for winning his Age Group, Ken Phillips as the first Manna out of the water in the 1.25k swim; Jennifer Rollin-Busby and Steve Crake as the first female and male Manna out of the water in the 2.5k swim; and Wayne Cable as the first Manna out of the water in the 5k swim.
Thank you to Fremantle Fins for organising an outstanding event.
Click Here to see the results.