2016 Doddi's Dash - Update & Call for Volunteers

With the "BIG DAY" less than 3 weeks away (19 November), the increase in vibe, hype and tension at Doddi's is palpable. Entries are coming from far and wide, so you better get in quick (given the 100 maximum solo entry limit).
As hoped, the early circulation of the provisional handicaps has caused no end of drama and complaints, which just means Ken is doing a fantastic job! Some have commenced covert training, while others have started swimming slowly at the pool on Tuesday and Thursday nights (including foxing by moving back to slower lanes) or pretending they're struggling at Doddi's or feigning sickness/injuries/headaches or saying they are not swimming much at the moment. Ken is not fooled for one minute! A bank transfer or cash is your only option!
There also has been a lot of money looking for whoever is running the book on the event. No doubt Ladbrokes and others will get on board after the distraction of the Melbourne Cup.
Most disturbing of all, is the rumour that some competitors will be wearing costumes for the event. The pre-event, swim and post-event dress rules are very loose, so if you have a fairy outfit or Mankini you have been dying to wear, by all means go for it. Note: those swimming in birthday or wet suits please let Ken know.
The so called "organising committee" met recently, mostly for socialising, but some of the discussion did relate to Doddi's Dash! Based on what I can remember:
Prior to the race, a Compulsory Race Briefing will commence at 8:30am Saturday 19 November. The briefing will be held at the "Clubrooms" in front of and across the road from Dome. Immediately after the briefing, swimmers will walk to the east side of the "usual" Starting Groyne and line up in single file starting order ready to enter the water. The starting order is based on your handicap; i.e. theoretically slowest off first and fastest last, but this may vary depending who has contributed how much to Ken's bank balance.
The Start is scheduled for around 9:00'ish. The Start Line will be between two Flags in knee deep water on the east side of the Groyne. The Starter will call each swimmer's name, starting with whoever is off scratch (handicap of 0:00min) and proceeding in handicap start time order. Once your name is called - GO! Swim around the end of the Groyne and west toward the Reef. At the Reef there will be two Turn Buoys about 25m apart, round the one closest to shore first keeping them both on your right side. Return from the Reef swimming in an easterly direction past a Mid Course Buoy (keep it to your right) and around the Pontoon/Final Turning Buoy (keep it to your right) and straight to the beach east of the Groyne. Finish between the two Flags at the same place you started. (If the Pontoon has not yet been installed, a Final Turn Buoy will substitute.) After finishing, line up in finishing order on the beach to have your name and finish position recorded. Don't worry this will all be explained at the Race Briefing.
After everyone has finished and changed, we will congregate back at the "Clubrooms" to enjoy some conviviality, exchange stories and a FREE sausage sizzle. Prize winners will be announced shortly thereafter. Prizes will be awarded for 1st, 2nd, 3rd and ?th place. 1st Place having the honour of being the inaugural Doddi's Dash Winner and being awarded the "Barb Pellick" Perpetual Trophy by none other than Barb Pellick herself! Upon this Trophy each years winner's name will be engraved for posterity.
All the money raised from the $10 entry fee will be used to buy food to donate to the "Peel Community Kitchen", which is a very worthy cause.
Calling for volunteers
We are looking for volunteers preferably amongst Club members who are not swimming on the day, family or friends to help set up, run the event and clean up afterwards. Specifically:
Buoys/Flags: 2 people (with boat) to check, collect, place, later retrieve and return Buoys/Flags.
Water Safety: 1 or more people on a surf ski/kayak to keep an eye on swimmers during the swim
Spotter/First Aid: 1 person with a current First Aid Certificate to act as Spotter
Starters/Finish Judges: 2 people to act as Starter & Starter's Helper and then Finish Judges
BBQ Cooks: 1 or 2 people to start cooking, until swimmers return to help
BBQs: Anyone with a BBQ we could use & 2 people with a trailer to pick up & return the same
If anyone can help, please email steve@syntect.com.au