Large crowd expected at Man-KK-ini Challenge!
The hot topic of conversation poolside and at Doddi's for the last few weeks has been the Mandurah Mannas Mini Club Carnival on Sunday 31 July at 9:00 am, but more accurately the headlining "Man-KK-ini Challenge".
This week competitors Kirk and Ken met for a "friendly" pre-Challenge training and publicity shoot, which quickly turned into an intense face-off with "words" exchanged.
MARC may have to put on additional staff to deal with the crowds! However, front row seats have been reserved for all Mandurah Mannas members.
For those who would like to get wet, be ready to hit the water at 9:00 am for Novelty swims organised by Coach John and Captain Mike, which should be a lot of fun (Mankini's Optional). These will be followed by the BIG EVENT with Ken and Kirk racing in a 25m Backstroke Event - loser wears the Mankini.
This will be followed by a morning tea, which will give everyone a chance to settle down. Please bring a plate to share.
We look forward to seeing as many members at the pool as possible, even if you only come along to cheer Kirk and Ken.

Disclaimer: Any relation to the truth is purely coincidental