Manna Swimmer's 2016 FINA Rankings

The website now includes the 2016 FINA points ranking of the best performance of each Mandurah swimmer who has competed in pool meets this year.
Go to the "POOL" tab on the main menu and from the sub-menu select either "2016 FINA Ranking" or "2016 FINA Ranking by Age Group". Each menu choice links you to the respective page on the MSA Results Portal.
The rankings are based on the best performance of each swimmer this year measured by the FINA points system. The FINA points system calibrates each swim based the time swum compared to the FINA Masters Age Group Record for the same event as at the 1/11/2015. For those of you with a mathematical bent:
FINA Points = (Base time/time)^3 x 1000
For example: the points for a swim of 1:30:00 where the FINA Record is 1:00:00 is calculated as
FINA Points = (60/90)^3 x 1000 = (8/27) x 1000 = 296
Thus, Ryan's top ranking 661 swim was only 1.15 times (15% or 3.86 seconds outside) the FINA Masters record - well done Ryan!