Presidents Prattle December 2021

Well, how quickly the year has flown by with the Festive Season quickly upon us. I wish you all a wonderful Christmas and New Year, and all the best for 2022.
What a busy time we had as a club during the last month.
The Doddi's Dash seems a while ago now, but a huge thanks to Sue Mac for her organisation. What a splendid day. Marta just missed getting there first but was chased down by Karen at the last turn buoy. Karen now has bragging rights for a year. Bring on the 2022 event.
I must thank all who took part in, or helped with, the running of our own Live Lighter Club Challenge. With our 30 swimmers in the pool, and many helpers, the program ran smoothly. Once again, we remain undefeated in our home pool for the LLCC. Although the entries from other clubs were down, we received such positive feedback from all who attended, that your committee agreed to go again next year at the same time. So, to the set-up team; Jen, Marta, Deb, Barb and Paul on registration/marshalling; G2 on announcements; Mike planning relay teams; our team of timers; Deb single-handed on making sandies; Ann organising the super raffle; many contributors to the eats, and all the swimmers,….. a huge thanks. We hosted a very friendly and successful LLCC.
As has been the case all year, another big thanks to Glenda for again organising a terrific Christmas luncheon at the “Bridge” restaurant. The easy socialising between all was fun to watch and be a part of with our pool and beach members easily mixing, and while the $250 provided by the Club for food platters went quickly, it provided a start on the food.
A reminder to all members that it is time to renew your memberships, so go online and pay your fees. Your Committee has maintained fees at $120 per year, absorbing the increase in State Masters fees.
As summer moves in to full swing, we will be starting our ocean swims at 7.30 am. This change officially begins around Dec 20th. As swimmers begin to build their ocean kms, we ask that for safety sake you remember to swim up to the reef in the shallows and back a bit deeper, using the pontoon as a guide. Many swimmers will begin to start at different times, but it will add to the social side of the mornings if you can be back on the beach around 8.45 to 9.00 am, when any club announcements will be made or birthdays celebrated.
Enjoy the Festive Season
Be kind, and look after each other
Steve C