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Doddi's Swims - Phase 4 COVID-19 Plan

Our Phase 4 COVID-19 Plan for Doddi's Swims and Shed has been submitted and certified. The key requirements are as follows:

  1. Maintain Physical Distancing with a strict limit of 2 sqm per person before and after swimming, and only 2 people are permitted in the shed concurrently.

  2. Maintain Hygiene Standards by having hand sanitiser available at the shed entrance and portable shower, as well as having paper towels readily available.

  3. Conduct Frequent Cleaning, including: cleaning our portable shower after use, and cleaning the shed regularly.

  4. Print and display COVID-19 Certificate and signage

  5. Review and change COVID-19 Plan as required.

  6. Club liason officer(s) to complete relevant training and keep up-to-date with community and state recommendations and changes.

  7. Any attendees testing positive to COVID-19 will be communicated to all attendees who have been in direct contact with that person and any attendee who tests positive will be instructed to comply with governement procedures for treatment, isolation and secure physician clearance before returning to club activities.

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