2019 Stadium Masters 1500

Stadium Masters Swimming Club invites you to their 2019 LiveLighter 1500m Swim Meet to be held on Saturday 7 September 2019 in the outdoor heated 50m pool at HBF Stadium, Stephenson Ave, Mt Claremont.
Warm Up from 12:00 pm to 12:30 pm.
Meet starts at 12:30 pm.
One 1500 m swim only. Choose from: Freestyle, Backstroke or Breaststroke.
400 and 800 intervals recorded.
Cost of entry is $8:00 per swimmer. Pool entry is $4.20). You can leave your entry money in the purse in the cage, in an envelope with your name or EFT to our Bank Account: BSB 633-000 Acct No: 155870694.
Entry form is available in the Cage at training.
Entries close (with your entry fee) on Tuesday Night (training) 27 August 2019. Enter by either:
Email Captain Jen with your choice and nominated time to jrollinbusby@gmail.com; or
Fill out your details on the entry form available in the cage at training on Tuesday and Thursday nights.
Click Here to see the flyer with all the event details.