President's Prattle - October 2018

It seems the weather has finally broken and I am sure we will see a lot more swimmers enjoying the warmer weather at the pool and beach. It is so nice not to have to worry about hot water bottles and gloves. Our next big decision will be “when do we turn off the hot water at Doddi’s”?
With the mad rush over to get entries in for the Busselton swim, swimmers will no doubt be upping the laps at the beach. Remember the ‘Spotter’ is only on deck from 8.00-9.00 am. Further info is on our web page.
It was very unfortunate that one of our members had their car broken into last Saturday at the Doddi's car park. Please take care with your belongings. Your committee is currently discussing how we can minimise this happening again. A post will be put up about this topic soon on the web page.
Pam Baker and daughters Kerry and Merrilee have asked me to thank members for their support over the past week with the passing of Rod. The family were very thankful for the show of support at Friday’s service, Saturday’s Doddi’s circle and condolence messages on our club page. The family have seen the pictures from Saturday at Doddi’s and were very touched. Special thanks to Steve F and Ivan who spent a lot of time collating the photos and the messages being collated.
The pool competition of the AP&ES games are being held here in Mandurah on the 1st and 2nd November 9.00-2.00 pm (Thursday/Friday). If you can possibly help out this valuable group of people by timekeeping for some of the time please let me know so I can give an indication of how many we can supply to the organisers.
Thank you to Captain Jen who has been busy promoting our club swims. The recent Country Correspondence Carnival was very popular with members with many new records being set. The next swim is on Sunday 28th at Fremantle so come along for the last LLCC swim of the year.
The first MSWA Open Water Swim is at Lake Leschenaultia on Sunday 11th November. There is a choice of swim distances of 400, 800, 1600 and 3200 metres. Something for everybody! The 1600 m swim winners are determined by closest to nominated time.
The Peel Aquatic Club have invited Mandurah Members to a workshop run by renowned Open Water swimmer and coach Matt Magee and special guest speaker Rebekah Weller on Saturday 3rd November at MARC from 12.00-2.00pm. This may suit members who want to pick up some new tips. A Flyer about the event is being sent out.
Thank you to members who have completed the recent survey that was sent out. If you didn’t receive it please check your ‘junk’ email. It was designed from the Survey Monkey site. We plan to close of the survey on Monday 15th October.
For those of you who have been hibernating over winter I hope to see you back in the water soon.