Mandurah Masters 25th Silver Anniversary Dinner - Friday Night 8 June

Mandurah Masters invites all Club members to put on your tiara, dress up in your best silver bling and join us to celebrate our Club's 25th Anniversary at 6:00 pm on Friday Night 8 June 2018.
Mandurah City Football Club - Securitas Protect Stadium (previously, Hyundai Stadium) at 65/85 Mahogany Drive, Halls Head (see map below).
Time: 6:00 pm till late (well late for us!)
It is going to be an old fashioned Casserole night, so everyone is to bring a casserole or sweets (please coordinate with Glenda 0413 124 568). Drinks can be purchased from the bar.
Wear your dancing shoes and be ready to have a fun night. Between dances you will be entertained by amazing internationally unknown live acts, as well as have an opportunity to demonstrate your karaoke skills.