President's Prattle - July 2017

Well it is a busy club at the moment with lots on the go. All very encouraging.
We had a very good meet at the Swan Hills Club Challenge. As has been posted, 17 swimmers put in some good swims and we were able to secure second place overall, behind Claremont. Gerda set a National record in the 200m backstroke and was recognised with first choice of the gift bench, and Geoff claimed a 100m breaststroke State record. Surprisingly our all-conquering vintage ladies team was pipped by a team from Geraldton’s “relics”. Good to see Gero get involved, but maybe NOT that involved.
To seek revenge on Gero, Cap’n Jen has organised 4 swim days for time trials for the Country postal Challenge. It was great to see a large number of members take the chance to participate this Sunday in events from 400m down to 50m. It was also a good chance to practice the use of the new Dolphin timing system that we have invested in with the City. This will make running our own events simpler once the “bugs” are ironed out. Thanks to Steve and Sue for their work on this till now. There are three more dates that will be dedicated to the Country Challenge, so check the website for dates and get involved.
Our next targeted pool event is the State Relay meet at Claremont on August 5th. This is a fun event of 50m and 25m relays. Let’s get all hands on deck for this one so Cap’n Jen can organise a flurry of relay teams across the age groups to give us the chance to beat Claremont in their own pool. We were only a few points short last year, so I am sure we can go one better this year. Relays are exciting and huge fun.
The ocean swimming at Doddi’s remains strong. Our change rooms have been demolished and work on the new facility has begun. The temporary arrangements are a bit tight, but we will make do!!. Graeme's shower is working well and as long as folk bring hot water to contribute, a warm shower is a treat. The past couple of weeks have thrown all that winter can give, including beautiful calm waters in full sunlight and fun storms with big waves and strong currents and heavy rain. The ocean swimmers love the variations. About 20 hardy souls took to the waters this Saturday with many now in wetties. Whatever keeps you swimming!! Coffee has moved inside sometimes as the weather demands.
There is great excitement around the Christmas in July at Quindanning. 43 “schoolies” are getting on the bus for this trip. Thanks to Sue Mac for volunteering to drive the bus. The “Cott Beach” fan club has another chance this Friday in the Golden Slipper. She has sure given us fun in her previous two runs and Helen is still spending her massive winnings from the last meet.(Its amazing how far $5 can spread)?? Good luck Pete and Barb on this big one!!
Keep swimming and look after each other.
Steve C