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Reminder of our AGM - 7:00pm 15 Feb at MARC

The Annual General Meeting of Mandurah Masters Swimming Inc. will be held at 7:00pm on 15 February 2017 at MARC Club Rooms.

The meeting will be for the purpose of:

  • Receiving reports from the President, Treasurer, Coaching Director, Recorder and any other Officer

  • Election of the Officers of the Club, namely: President, Vice-president, Secretary, Treasurer, and at least four (4) other persons; e.g. Coaching Director, Club Captain, Registrar, Recorder, Safety Officer, Property Officer, Social Convenor, and Publicity Officer.

  • Considering and, if thought appropriate, passing the following special resolution: That the Club By-laws be amended as per the attached document entitled "Mandurah Masters Swimming Inc. Draft By-laws Rev F.pdf"

  • Considering and, if thought appropriate, passing Notices of Motions for which due notice has been served.

  • General discussion and recommendations for the new Committee to consider.

  • Presentation of Awards

All interested persons are invited to attend and enjoy a wine and pizza after, but only financial members are entitled to vote. Non-members may be invited by the President to speak, but they may not move motions.


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