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1st Committee Meeting for 2016

Your new Committee had their first meeting on Wednesday 6 April 2016 at President Steve's place. We managed to get through a lot of business and spent sometime discussing some interesting ideas that members have been suggested.

The Committee has approved: finalising and publishing a new website at (if you're reading this, you will already know!); collecting, digitising and archiving all club records/information/photos and storing them in one place; and purchasing a club 1st Aid Kit to be made available at Doddi’s Beach Swims along with the Club Defib). Even though Wayne promises not to cut his head on the sign again.

The Committee is also investigating and seeking member feedback on the merit of: adding an indoor lane on Tuesday and Thursday nights for swimmers who may find the current Lane 1 a bit daunting; A weekday indoor lane for a social swim and stroke correction session; and shifting Sunday swims indoors during winter. So please let us know what you think.

It was also decided to promote/encourage members to prioritise attending the pool on one specific Sunday morning each month. It will be a great opportunity for those who regularly attend Doddi's swims to have a swim timed and catch up for a chat and coffee with some of the Sunday swimmers.

We need your input on these and any either ideas members have. So grab a committee member and let them know what you think!

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