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Doddi's Beach Swim Safety - Thank you for your support!

Thank you to everyone who has volunteered to take their turn as Spotter. The response has been excellent. All the spots for January and February are filled. For those yet to volunteer, the link to the online Roster where you can enter your name is on the right-hand side at the top of every website page and looks like the image on the right.

I don't know about you, but I feel a lot more comfortable knowing there is someone keeping an eye out for me.

We also need to thank those who have put up their hand to volunteer as Club First Aiders should they be needed. In addition, we appreciate the members who have indicated that they would be happy to update their expired qualifications and volunteer as well.

Lastly, thank you, Vern, who has put together the map above, which, visually, captures much of the essential Doddi's Beach Swim Safety Information. The map is a valuable contribution to our safety documentation and will be a great help for the Spotter.

Love the club spirit!


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