2021 Busselton Jetty Swim Results

After an anxious couple of weeks, the 2021 SunSmart Busselton Jetty Swim went ahead on Sunday 14 February. The minor changes resulting from COVID were unkind to some and a blessing to others, especially those on the waiting list who managed to start.
A total of 36 Mannas (including 3 first-timers Sue H, Vern and Phil) enjoyed near-perfect swimming conditions. For once, those with later starting times were not disadvantaged, as conditions improved as the morning progressed.
The combination of good conditions and training hard resulted in 14 PB's. Of the 14 - Tim, Anne-Marie, Greg, Cathy and Ken were standout improvers. We tip our hat to Phil, for walking out 1.8 km to the end of the Jetty and waiting for an hour in the hot sun before knocking out his first-time one-mile swim for 3rd place in his age group. An impressive feat for anyone, let alone someone 78 years young. Others who had great swims include our amazing Pauline who won her age group and top 10 age group finishers Steve F, Phil, Anne-Marie, Sue J, Jenny C, Joel, Steve C and Jack.
Congratulations to young Jack, who was the first Manna out of the water in a sizzling 55:04. Evergreen Sue J was the second Manna, and first female, out of the water in a respectable 57:25. At the pointy end, young local swimmer Kyle Lee in 39:24.2 beat Rhys Mainstone's record from 2019 of 39:35.2.
Special congratulations to Barb for completing her 25th Jetty swim and Ray for his 20th swim. To put that into perspective, Barb was swimming around the Jetty before Jack, our fastest swimmer, was born and Ray started when Jack was just a 2 year old.
The Club Solo results and Phil's Mile result are listed in the table below. For a different perspective, the table includes each swimmer's age group position and the fastest, average and slowest times for their age group. Sorry if anyone is missing.
Click Here to see the full results.
Photos to follow shortly.

* indicates times that may be subject to change