President's Prattle - January 2019

The Australia Day Swim has come and gone and what an outstanding success it was. The logo selected certainly reflected the day with sunshine, a dolphin display that could not have been better scripted and a slight swell on the return leg of the course. The success of course was due to the outstanding work of Steve Ferguson and committee (Joel Lewis, Ken & Cathy Isbister, Hazel Cockram, Sue MacDonald, Ray Reynolds, Deb Brown, Ann Ferguson and Barb Pellick). They have been working together since last February to put the event together. Also, in the days preceding the event and on the day many club members turned out to assist with the setting up and running of the swim. Thank you to all involved and congratulations to those members who swam and picked up prizes for winning their categories. There is a more comprehensive report on the day being put together and will be soon on the web page.
February is shaping up to be a busy month for open water swimmers with a big contingent heading down to Busselton in two weeks’ time to swim 3.6 km around the iconic jetty. If this is your first time, good luck and remember it is really just equal to 3 and a half laps at Doddi’s. From a quick glance at the registered competitors I came across 33 names who are members or are associated with us. No doubt you will be all eager to enter the Busselton Stakes (closest to nominated time) being run by Sue Giles. Pay $2.00 and nominate your expected (or desired) finishing time and you could be a winner.
Two more Masters WOW Ocean Swims are coming up soon, the Coogee 1500m Jetty to Jetty Swim on March 10th and The Mullaloo Beach Swim on 2nd March.
Our Annual General Meeting is scheduled for Wednesday 27th February starting at 7.00 pm at the MARC club rooms. Hopefully you can attend and stay for a drink and Pizza. It is important that we have a quorum at this meeting. Notices will be sent out to you soon.
To finish off on behalf of club members I would like to wish Gerry and Neil all the best and a speedy recovery and hope to see them back in the water soon.