2018 Stadium Snappers LLCC

Stadium Masters Swimming Club invites you to their 2018 LiveLighter Club Challenge Event to be held on Sunday 20 May 2018 at HBF Stadium, Stephenson Ave, Mt Claremont.
Pool Opens at 8:00am.
Warm Up from 8:00 to 8:45 am.
Meet starts at 9:00 am.
Cost of entry is $20 (including pool entry). You can leave your entry money in the purse in the cage, in an envelope with you name or EFT to our Bank Account: BSB 633-000 Acct No: 155870694.
Entry form is available in the Cage at training.
Entries close (with your entry fee) on Tuesday Night (training) 8 May 2018.
Let's put together a great team for this event as it is one the four events that we have targeted where points count toward the Club Challenge Swim Award.
Click Here to see the flyer with all the event details.