New Doddi's Swim Register!

This week has seen the introduction of a Swim Register at Doddi's for those swimming with the Club on Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday mornings. The Register is located on a pedestal on the left hand side of the entry path onto the beach.
The Swim Register works by:
Prior to the swim, swimmers entering their name on the register and nominating the distance they propose to swim; and
After the swim:
Swimmers signing-out; and
One of the Safety Officer, Spotter and/or Swim Leader carrying out a final check of the Register to ensure all swimmers have left the water; i.e. signed-out.
The need for the Swim Register has arisen recently due to the increased number of swimmers, different start times and distances being swam making it impractical for the Spotter or Swim Leader to count and keep track of all the swimmers in the water.
The Swim Register is only one part of a set of new safety measures that have been introduced in the Draft By-Laws (to be considered at the coming AGM on 15 February 2017) to improve our Open Water Swim Safety. Other measures introduced this year include the specific role and duties of the Spotter with Air Horn and Swim Leader, First Aid Kit and Defibrillator on the beach, Safety Tow Floats, CPR courses for members, and a Register of members with First Aid Certificates to try and ensure a First Aider is present at all Doddi's Swims.
We all owe Ray a special thanks for his outstanding hard work as Safety Officer this last year. Well done Ray!